Preparing for another year of reading level assessments? Do you always conference with parents about their child’s progress? Then this post is for you! The reading level letters cover all DRA Levels 1-70 along with covering Letter Levels A-Z.
To be honest, if a parent does not have an education background or is not using various resources to supplement reading instruction at home then they don’t understand reading levels. So that is why I created this product!
The Rationale:
This product was created to help educators communicate important information about reading levels to parents. It is very important that parents are working with educators in a similar fashion at home when reading. We want parents to reinforce the skills and strategies used during small group reading instruction at home. Giving parents specific and accurate information that is direct is best. Parents do not understand what each level means. We need to explain to parents the specific characteristics of each reading level. We want to also explain to parents the specific characteristics of the following instructional level so that we are encouraging parents to work with their child in the proper way. Lastly we need to explain to parents the difference between an independent level and an instructional level.
Tips for the Teacher:
I DO NOT recommend sending this home alone to parents. I DO recommend that you use these forms in a parent teacher conference. If you can not have a face-to-face parent teacher conference, at least try to have a phone conference. These forms are meant to educate parents to help their child advance their reading skills, we need to use the forms and stress the importance.
It is very important that you explain the skills and strategies on this form in detail to parents. With that being said, I always use a Fiction and a Non-Fiction/Informational text to model and demonstrate to parents examples. The same way we model for students, we need to model for parents.
Suggested Use & Tips:
- Use during a Face-to-Face conference, phone conference or a Facetime/Skype conference.
- Model for parents the same way you do in small group instruction.
- Explicitly explain strategies and skills as you would to students.
- Show books in both genres on independent and instructional levels.
- Color code copies if possible according to a system you use.
- Give parents a copy of a Reading Level Conversion Chart.
- Share reading strategies, skills and suggestions with parents.
- Share book suggestions with parents that are available at the local and school library or bookstore.
Parts of the Letter to Parents:
More Product Photos:
*Click on any of the photos above or below in this post for a direct link!
You can grab this product below in A-Z Levels or DRA 1-70 Levels, just click below >>>
- Reading Levels Explained to Parents BUNDLE [Levels A-Z and 1-70]
- Reading Levels Explained to Parents [Levels A-M]
- Reading Levels Explained to Parents [Levels M-Z]
- Reading Levels Explained to Parents BUNDLE [A-Z]
- Reading Levels Explained to Parents [Levels 1-30]
- Reading Levels Explained to Parents [Levels 30-70]
- Reading Levels Explained to Parents DRA BUNDLE [Levels 1-70]
I hope you find this product helpful & useful!
A super high-five for compiling these list to help explain what can be expected for the students at each level. I will use them to help keep the students, parents and teachers accountable ay my little language school in South Korea. I am also a huge fan of the A-Z program.
I’m a bilingual teacher, can we find these in Spanish by any chance?
Sorry, I don’t have these in Spanish:(
I can easily make it in Spanish for you.
I’m really loving this! Do these levels match the Fountas and Pinnell reading levels?
Thank you & YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you working on W-Z?
Done and in the shop!
I am not able to view any of the links. Is there another way I can get this resource?
I’m so sorry!
Here you go > https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Sassy-Savvy-Simple-Teaching/Category/Parent-Information-255661
During Fountas and Pinnell training with our teachers, we were told not to share levels with kids or parents. Any suggestions on how to use your wonderful resource without sharing levels? Thanks!
Yes, you can simply add a circle or square shape over the levels prior to printing and then share!
This is a beautiful resource to make things simple for parents. I have purchased a license and used these with parents during conferences, but would really like to procure permission to use as a link on our parent academy web page. With your permission, we hope to include these with appropriate explanations of Independent vs. Instructional level, as well as accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. If I purchase a second license and reference you and your website as the author would this work? If not, is there an alternate process we need to follow?
Hello! Thank you so much for contacting me. I am greatly humbled and appreciate your kind words. I hope the letters have helped the parents in your classroom understand their child’s strengths as a reader and next steps as they have helped mine!
I’m sorry, but this product cannot be posted online freely as it is a restriction of the copyright to the font maker, clip artist and myself. When work is posted openly on web pages it allows for others to copy and take without permission.
The license bought is for your classroom use with your families via paper copies during conferences. If your school is interested in a site license for all teachers to use during parent teacher conferences about reading please do not hesitate to contact me! diannaradcliff15@gmail.com
Thank you again for reaching out to me and properly asking, I greatly appreciate your kind question!
This is a great idea. I am a special educator and plan to use this at IEP meetings to help parent s understand their child’s reading levels. Since the IEP contains the child’s current F&P level, it will be helpful to have these to show/give parents. Thank you!
You are welcome!